re: why though?
Last Edit: writerkev 08:39 am EST 12/06/24
Posted by: writerkev 08:37 am EST 12/06/24
In reply to: re: why though? - kidmanboy 06:33 am EST 12/06/24

I think you missed a great deal that was in it. I thought it had big themes relevant to everyone—what would we be willing to do in a life-or-death situation, where do the limits of morality end, how is one (is one) ever absolved from guilt.

Like the show or not, that’s your opinion. To say “it was just sort of there” says more about you than it says about the show, in my opinion.

Previous: re: why though? - EvFoDr 10:22 am EST 12/06/24
Next: re: why though? - Ann 07:53 am EST 12/06/24

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